Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year 2009

Today is the last day of the Year 2008. I have no elsewhere to go and just stay at home surf Internet and chatting with my net friends. As the summary of this year, although I have not archieved any targets but there are still something worth to be taken down: first and foremost, my wife and me lodged our migration application though there is still pending to be assigned a Case Officer but at least we made our first step. Second, I published my first paper in my life and the second, the third, the fourth is on the way and hopefully it can be born in year 2009. Third, I visited Hong Kong, a crowned city in August, definitely great experiences in my life. Also, there are something frustrating me. The most important one, maybe, should goes to my career prospect. Getting less salary is not something I should worried in my current age but what I worried is the current enviorment could not help me improve my skills much.

In the coming new year, I wish all my loved family members and friends could have a meaningful year. Happy New Year.